La Nina May Pay Us A Visit

usda_logoNorthwest Iowa — La Nina may be visiting our area next year, but according an Iowa climatologist, there isn’t much reason for farmers or snow shovelers to worry.

Dennis Todey, director of the U-S-D-A Midwest Climate Hub, says the La Nina watch won’t mean any significant changes in the long-range outlook.

La Nina occurs when Pacific Ocean surface temperatures fall, and it has some effect on the weather across North America. Todey says the looming La Nina may be a contributing factor to the winter ahead.

Todey says other factors may have more of an effect on the weather through next spring.

The La Nina pattern comes on the heels of a two-year, record-breaking El Nino pattern that faded away late this summer.



NCC Reports Record Fall Enrollment

Sheldon, Iowa — News continues to come in from northwest Iowa institutions of higher learning about record fall enrollments. Not to

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