Labor Day Travel Forecast Is For Increased Traffic, But Not Uber Busy

Statewide Iowa — (RI) — The final holiday of one of the strangest summers in memory is just ahead. Mark Peterson, spokesman for Triple-A-Iowa, expects a boost in vacation traffic on Iowa’s roads for the three-day weekend, but he notes it likely won’t be bumper-to-bumper due to the pandemic.

(As above) “Labor Day is the last big hurrah for the summer travel season,” Peterson says. “It won’t be as crowded as it has been in the past but we’ll still probably find some increased travel through the coming weekend.”

Road trips will be cheaper than Labor Day of 2019, as gasoline prices in Iowa are averaging $2.11 a gallon. That’s down from an average of $2.40 a gallon a year ago.

(As above) “Low gas prices will continue and will probably make going out affordable for a lot of the travelers,” he says. “It appears drivers will pay some of the lowest Labor Day prices in four years. National average is about $2.23 a gallon which is about 35-cents less than it was last Labor Day.”

Triple-A reports Iowa’s most expensive gas is in Iowa City at $2.27 a gallon, while it’s cheapest in Council Bluffs at $2.01. According to, in Sheldon gas prices average $2.06, Rock Rapids gas prices are at $2.14, Orange City’s average is at $2.08, Primghar has the cheapest average gas price at $1.99, and Sibley averages out to $2.23 for a gallon of gas.

