Law Enforcement Agencies Air Concerns With Governor During Meeting In Lake Park

Lake Park, Iowa — Governor Kim Reynolds made a stop Thursday morning in Lake Park where she met with area law enforcement agencies.

The Governor says she heard a lot from them regarding the mental health crisis and drug addiction, which she says are hand-in-hand.

Reynolds says the issue surrounding treatment and facilities is a statewide problem.

The Governor says she feels most of the issues can be addressed without having to go through the Legislature.
Dickinson County Sheriff Greg Baloun says he feels Thursday’s meeting with the Governor was very productive. He says they feel the Governor was very receptive to their concerns and the impact the mental health crisis is having on the corrections system.

Baloun says another issue they addressed with the Governor is transports.

Baloun says he feels there are many efficiencies that could be gained by simply doing more networking on the state and regional levels.

Governor Reynolds also made an appearance in Hartley on Wednesday at Hartley Savings Bank to tour the Evertek broadband project.

Meanwhile, Lieutenant Governor Adam Gregg provided remarks at the Rock Valley Leadership Program Kickoff at noon on Thursday.

He was also scheduled to provide remarks at the West Sioux Fellowship of Christian Athletes’ Fields of Faith Event on Thursday evening.

Gregg is a West Sioux alumnus, and will be inducted into the West Sioux Athletic Hall of Fame as Distinguished Alumni during the football game there on Friday night.

Courtesy Community First Broadcasting Station KUOO in Spirit Lake

