Lawsuit Filed By Group That Does Not Want Former Milford Golf Course Turned Into RV Park

Milford, Iowa — The new owner of a former golf course in Milford wants to turn it into a place to park campers, travel trailers, and motor homes. But some people who live nearby are not happy with the idea.

In fact, KUOO Radio reports that a legal battle is looming over a conditional use permit the Dickinson County Board of Adjustment approved on a 3 to 2 vote on June 6th for a 174-unit RV Park at the former Woodlyn Hills Golf Course east of Milford.

The Country View Acres Homeowners Association has filed a lawsuit in Dickinson County District Court that seeks to have the permit invalidated. The group accuses the Dickinson County Board of Adjustment of making several procedural errors. Among them, they say, is that they were prohibited from speaking at the June 6th public hearing, which had been continued from an April meeting.

They also allege the RV park violates the county’s Comprehensive Plan and doesn’t meet the criteria needed for a conditional use permit.

The group is also seeking an injunction that would prevent any work from taking place on the site until a judge makes a determination.

The group is being represented by Des Moines attorney Jamie Hunter. Hunter also represented a group of citizens that successfully sued the county several years ago to stop the East Lach Estates housing development that had been proposed near Chalstrom Beach on East Lake Okoboji.

KUOO also reported that one of the developers explained at the April public hearing that while many say it would be a good residential area, that is not one of the approved uses for the property. Also at that public hearing, one homeowner stated that had there been an RV park next to his property at the time he was considering buying it, he would not have been a buyer. They cited public safety, traffic, noise, aesthetics, and potential impact on property values.

Much of this story was written and published by KUOO Radio.



Larchwood Dairy Gets $100,000 Grant

Des Moines, Iowa — Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig has announced that 15 Iowa dairy projects have been awarded Choose Iowa Dairy Innovation Grants. And

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