Logo, Theme, Entertainment, Revealed For Orange City RAGBRAI

OC RAGBRAI Dutch Till DawnOrange City, Iowa — Over 200 people were introduced to Orange City’s theme as the starting overnight host town for RAGBRAI® XLV during a Town Hall Event on Monday, April 24.

Orange City’s RAGBRAI publicity committee chairperson Jenon Scallon says the theme, “Dutch ‘til Dawn” reflects the community’s Dutch heritage and hospitality – and the city’s architectural style – which has made Orange City a popular tourist destination for its annual spring Tulip Festival. She tells us a local student came up with the theme.

She says another big “reveal” during the town hall event was the entertainment scheduled for the main stage in Windmill Park on July 22.

The Orange City RAGBRAI hospitality committee is also inviting residents to decorate for RAGBRAI with bicycles and white Christmas Lights. The Christmas light idea will also be a contest and is being called “Light It Up Orange City.”

…more information from Orange City’s RAGBRAI Committee:
They say that community members can create a truly inviting and memorable atmosphere for riders and visitors. Residents are encouraged to decorate their property with a variety of old bikes and accessories that will be collected by the committee, and businesses are invited to adorn their storefronts and windows for the occasion. A “Light It Up Orange City” initiative is designed to spark community-wide beautification for the week RAGBRAI is in town. Residents are asked to hang white lights on their homes and in their yards. The goal is to provide soft ambient lighting in the neighborhoods as guests walk and bike throughout the community – from the downtown area featuring entertainment, vendors, and a beverage garden … to the campgrounds and other housing facilities. A local “celebrity judge” will choose winning “Light It Up” homes and businesses, whose residents and employees will be invited to a special block party and a free meal.

Also shared at the Town Hall Event was information about a children’s art contest, housing and volunteer opportunities, and the sale of Orange City RAGBRAI logoed T-shirts. The winners of T-shirts and a child’s bike were announced, and attendees were able to visit with committee members at specific break-out booths.

The 2017 RAGBRAI is July 23-29.



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