Lyon County Riverboat Foundation Accepting Applications For 2022 Mini Grants

Larchwood, Iowa — The Lyon County Riverboat Foundation Mini-Grant ceremony started off as a summertime event, but it’s moved around the calendar a little, and of course, COVID threw a monkey wrench into everything as well. But the foundation has just announced that their next grant cycle will be the 2022 Mini-Grants.

Foundation officials tell us grant applications and guidelines are posted on the Lyon County Riverboat Foundation’s website at Applications for the mini-grants are due on March 24th, 2022 by 2:00 p.m. They tell us this is firm, and no exceptions will be made.

The officials tell us that eligibility and guidelines are very important parts of the application process. If your organization would like to apply for a grant, they ask you to please thoroughly read the documents. If you have questions, they say you should feel free to call 605-496-8723.

The 2022 Mini-Grant awarding ceremony will be held at Grand Falls Casino and Golf Resort on Monday, April 25th, 2022 starting at 6:00 p.m. in the Grand Falls Casino Events Center with appetizers, followed by an awards ceremony at 7:00 p.m. The facility is located on the Iowa and South Dakota Border on Highway 9 west of Larchwood.

The foundation is the non-profit license holder for the casino. State law mandates a certain percentage of the casino’s gaming take has to go back to the community. The agreement between the casino and the non-profit stipulates that for the first $20 million the casino collects in gambling winnings in a year, they will give the foundation 4.5 percent. When they get up to $20 million, the percentage goes up to 4.75 percent; and when they get up to $30 million, it goes to 5 percent.

The Lyon County Riverboat Foundation is set up to give half of the money in grants to county government subdivisions and schools, and the other half in a competitive grant process to non-profit projects.

