National Day of Prayer Event Is Thursday Night In Sheldon

Sheldon, Iowa — This Thursday, May 6, is the National Day of Prayer. And there’s a service to mark the event on Thursday evening in Sheldon.

The Sheldon observance had been a prayer breakfast in previous years, and it went virtual last year due to COVID, but this year it will be an evening event.

Spokesperson Barb Hibma says this is a year of great celebration and thanks as The National Day of Prayer celebrates 70 years of prayer for America. She says it is wonderful to live in a nation where, by law every year on the first Thursday of May, the President proclaims a day of prayer for our nation. She says the event weaves God’s glory through the fabric of America’s past, present and future, and she is inviting northwest Iowans to join millions of believers across the nation on Thursday, May 6th, as they pray this year’s theme that comes from 2 Corinthians 3:17 in the Bible, which says, “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” (NAS)

Hibma asks you to join them for Sheldon’s 24th Annual National Day of Prayer. She says they will be gathering on Thursday, May 6 at 6:30 p.m. at Living Water Community Church in Sheldon. Lauren Banik of Sioux Falls will be the keynote speaker. Special Music will be provided by Sheldon High School Students, Ellie Waring and Robin’s School of Dance will be performing “God of this City”.

Hibma tells us their theme this year is “Lord pour out your Life, Love, and Liberty”. She says they will cover the city, state, and nation in prayer.

According to Hibma, this event will not be on Facebook Live. She says they are rejoicing that this year they can pray together in unity. Masks are optional.

Rise Ministries, Honor God Ministries and the Sheldon Area Ministerial Association are sponsoring the event.

