National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week

telephoneSibley, Iowa — They are the calm voice you hear on the other end of the phone when you need help, and dial 911.  They are the public safety telecommunicators, more commonly known as 911 dispatchers, who send the help you need, when you need it the most.

This week, April 10th through 16th, is National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week.  We talked to Osceola County Sheriff Doug Weber, who says his 911 dispatchers have a great deal of responsibility.

Weber says that, in Osceola County, all  of his 911 dispatchers do double duty.

He says that, despite the small size of his dispatching crew, they are a very diverse group.

Weber says that, while their primary duties are answering calls and dispatching emergency services, his 911 dispatchers carry out a variety of other duties, as well.

The Sheriff says he’s very proud of his dispatching crew, and the work they do to help the residents of Osceola County in times of emergency.



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