Sheldon, Iowa — When the Sheldon Community School District’s Board of Education meet for their regular April meeting, one of the items on their agenda will be whether or not to build “Snow Make-Up Days” into the 2016-17 school calendar.
As adopted, the calendar for the 2016-17 school year has August 24th listed as the first day of school, with May 26th the last scheduled day of classes. However, the calendar also lists May 30th and 31st, along with June 1st and 2nd, etc., as Snow Make-Up Days. This school year, classes have been extended into June to make up for the days missed due to weather this past winter. Recently, the Administration of the Sheldon Schools distributed a survey to District staff regarding their opinion on the possibility of building some potential “Snow Make-Up Days” into the school year, should they be needed. The results of that survey will be shared with the Board at Wednesday’s meeting.
The Board will also hold a Public Hearing on the District’s Fiscal Year 2017 Budget, and set the date and time for the Budget Amendment Hearing, as well as consider a proposal to re-sand and re-paint the floor in the high school gym.
In other action, the Board is scheduled to receive and approve the list of members of the Class of 2016 who have qualified for graduation, deal with an Open Enrollment Application, and approve a half dozen summer coaching contracts during Wednesday’s meeting.
The April meeting of the Sheldon Community Schools Board of Education will begin at 6:00 pm Wednesday in the high school library.