Navigator Pipeline Process On Hold In Iowa; Plan To Be Revised

Des Moines, Iowa — One of the two proposed carbon capture pipelines that would run through northwest Iowa is pausing the process in the state.

On Friday, the Navigator Heartland CO2 Ventures Heartland Greenway pipeline filed a motion with the Iowa Utilities Board requesting to withdraw their current procedural schedule, as well as pause any further hearings and conferences. The Navigator company was scheduled to start hearings for its permit in Iowa in June of next year.

Navigator says they are currently reviewing their Iowa route and technical specifications in light of recent decisions from regulatory authorities in neighboring states and individual landowner requests. Navigator says the review may lead to revisions in the route and technical specifications as currently proposed in its plans.

Navigator plans to refile with the Iowa Utilities Board with its updated plan on or before March 29th of next year.

Navigator’s pipelines would enter the four-county area near Hartley from both the northeast and southeast, with one leg heading southwest toward the Sioux City area and into Nebraska, just missing the southwest corner of Sioux County and one heading northwest through Lyon county and into South Dakota.

Courtesy fellow Community First Broadcasting station KAYL in Storm Lake



Larchwood Dairy Gets $100,000 Grant

Des Moines, Iowa — Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig has announced that 15 Iowa dairy projects have been awarded Choose Iowa Dairy Innovation Grants. And

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