NCC Offering Free Industrial Maintenance Certificate Class; Information Session

Sheldon, Iowa — Northwest Iowa Community College in Sheldon is showcasing a new program and will be offering a class — that if you qualify — will be free, thanks to tuition assistance.

Coordinator Kalie Kruger tells us about an information session explaining their new Industrial Maintenance Certificate Class.

Kruger says if you’d like to come to the information session, they’d like you to register so they know how many people are coming for the refreshments. She tells us what to expect at the information session and if you take the class.

She says that for those who qualify, they can even take the class for free.

She says you can reach Barrios, who also speaks Spanish, at 800-352-4907 or 324-5061; extension 124 or by email at To apply for the financial assistance you can visit

To register for the class, click here or scan the QR code below.

