NCC Hosts Chamber Coffee Celebrating 10 Years Of LLRC, New President

Sheldon, Iowa — It’s been ten years since Northwest Iowa Community College officials cut the ribbon and offered both the college community and the community as a whole — the Lifelong Learning and Recreation Center — commonly known as the “LLRC.”

An event celebrating the milestone is this Thursday morning at the LLRC. New Northwest Iowa Community College President, Dr. John Hartog tells us about it.

The building has many opportunities for students and community members, including wellness facilities, equipment, group fitness classes, and more. It can also be reserved for meetings and events.

Another reason for the chamber coffee is to welcome Dr. Hartog into his new position. Hartog tells us about that.

Dr. Hartog says that so far, it feels like it’s been a good transition into his new position. He tells us about one of the challenges.

He says another challenge is putting together the college’s new strategic plan. He tells us he’s also looking forward to the new opportunities they will have to offer after construction on the healthcare addition, as well as the opportunities they are offering through the partnership with local school districts.

The Chamber Coffee is from 9:30 to 10:30 on Thursday (Sept. 23) at the LLRC.


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