New Campaign Aims To Warn Women Of Worsening Heart Attack Risks

Statewide Iowa — Heart disease is the top killer of Iowa women and a cardiologist and researcher says the continued stress of the pandemic is making the ailment even more lethal.

Dr. Noel Bairey Merz says the Women’s Heart Alliance is launching a radio PSA campaign this week to educate Iowa women about the risks, the warning signs and the importance of getting “heart checked.”

While men may fall to the “Hollywood heart attack” clutching their chest, Merz says the signs of a heart attack in women are different and they’re often more subtle.

Many women know the importance of mammograms early screening for breast cancer yet heart disease kills 12-times more women and it’s not something for which they’re traditionally being tested.

Iowa ranks 19th in the U.S. for heart disease deaths, and Merz says that’s not the place to be.

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