New Year’s Resolution Ideas From Iowa State Patrol

Northwest Iowa — The new year has dawned, and most of us enter a new year with resolutions…things we plan to do or accomplish over the next 12 months.

Iowa State Patrol Trooper Kevin Krull has a New Year’s Resolution that’s a good idea for anyone who drives a motor vehicle.

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For several years we’ve heard the term, “designated driver’, but Trooper Krull says Designated Texters can help the driver avoid distractions.

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Krull says when you’re behind the wheel, one-hundred-percent of your attention needs to be devoted to driving.

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He says we need to be defensive drivers.

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Trooper Krull offered a case in point.

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Krull says 56% of all serious injury accidents in Iowa have a common contributing factor…lane departure, or leaving the roadway. There are several reasons, including distracted driving, drowsy driving, impaired driving, and driving too fast for the road conditions.

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Trooper Krull says fatalities on Iowa roadways for 2019 were up a bit from the year before, with 335 people losing their lives in traffic crashes. He says the goal is to get those numbers below 300 each year.
