Northwestern’s Gym Renovation Project Means Fans Can Have A Piece Of History

Orange City, Iowa — While Northwestern College’s gymnasium facility is only about 26 years old, it is being renovated this summer, and parts of the gym that will no longer be used are being made available for fans.

Northwestern’s Vice President for Athletics, Dr. Micah Parker says there are several reasons that the Bultman Center needs to be renovated. First of all, he says it was built for 300 athletes, and Northwestern has 530 now. The gym floor also does not have the new shade of Northwestern Raider red, the new logo, and brand. He says they also have to cater to the needs of spectators to improve the overall viewing experience.

So, college officials have set up an event, this Saturday, May 22nd, so fans can take home some of the 26-year-old accouterments of the building. They tell us doors open at 9 a.m. and they will close around noon or sooner if the items are gone. No reservations will be accepted. Parker says this is a first come first serve event.

Available are one-foot by one-foot sections of the floor, four-by-four sections, classic court folding chairs, letter sections of floor, and star sections of floor. All items have a set donation “price;” it’s not an auction, and some items have limits.

The event is a fundraiser to help complete Northwestern’s Bultman Center Remodel Project.

1 x 1 foot section $100 each – no limit
Classic Court Chair $100 each – no limit – 48 available
4 x 4 foot section $200 each – no limit
69”x27” Letters $200 (24 available – 12 letters from each baseline under the basket) – limit 2 letters
69”x46” STAR $250 (8 available) – limit 1 per customer – only four available


Larchwood Dairy Gets $100,000 Grant

Des Moines, Iowa — Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig has announced that 15 Iowa dairy projects have been awarded Choose Iowa Dairy Innovation Grants. And