Ocheyedan Man Burns OC Library Books Before “OC Pride” Event

Northwest Iowa — A northwest Iowa conservative and pro-life advocate has spoken out about this past weekend’s “OC Pride” event in Orange City and made a video of what he says is the burning of four “transgender books” belonging to the Orange City Public Library.

Paul Dorr of Ocheyedan, the leader of the group, “Rescue The Perishing,” says he borrowed the “shameful and wicked” books from the Orange City Public Library.

In the nearly 30-minute Facebook Live video, which appears to have been shot across the pond south of the Prairie Winds Event Center, which was one of the venues of the “OC Pride Festival,” and the Hampton Inn in Orange City, Dorr first says that it is his generation that has failed the current one, and that’s why celebrations such as OC Pride exist. He says most adults during the formative years of those now in charge of events like OC Pride “did not bring up their children in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord. Many attended churches while promoting sexual hypocrisy by their mere acquiescence to the sexual agenda.”

Dorr goes on to use several scripture passages to explain why he feels the way he does, and throughout most of the video explains how the “mistakes” of the previous generation are at fault. Only toward the end of the video does he call on “homosexuals and those lost in all kinds of sexual debauchery and pornography to end their self-delusions.” He says, “When it comes to sexual conduct under God there is no diversity of morality.”

After speaking for nearly 25 minutes, Dorr talks a little about each book before throwing them in a burning barrel set on fire. The books appear to have the Orange City Public Library stamp on them. The books included Two Boys Kissing; Families, Families, Families; This Day In June; and Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress.

