Okoboji Car Falls Through The Ice Earlier Than Ever Before

Arnolds Park, Iowa — If you’re familiar with the Iowa Great Lakes Area and the goings-on there, you might be familiar with the Iowa Great Lakes Rotary Club Car Drop Contest. Well, this year, that contest has ended earlier in the year than ever before.

Basically, the contest is a fundraiser. A car is stripped of all the things that would negatively impact fish and wildlife if it were in the water. Then the car is left on the lake ice on Smith’s Bay, just west of the East Lake/West Lake bridge on Highway 71, and the winner of the contest is the person whose ticket has the date nearest to when the car falls through the ice.

Based on webcam data, the car appears to have fallen through the West Lake Okoboji ice sometime around 10:00 a.m. Thursday morning, February 8th, however, the official time it went through will be determined when the clock is retrieved. The winner of the contest will then be announced.

720 tickets with a random time of day (good for that specific minute both AM and PM) are sold giving each ticket two chances to win. The car was only placed on the ice two weeks ago. The winner gets $1000.

(Courtesy fellow Community First Broadcasting station KUOO in Spirit Lake)
