Sibley, Iowa — Each day we hear more and more about COVID-19, the Coronavirus that seems to be spreading across the country. The Osceola Regional Health Center in Sibley is providing us with the information on this virus.

Pam Juber is the Director of Public Health at the Osceola Regional Health Center, and she talks about the symptoms associated with COVID-19.

(As above) “The symptoms the primary symptoms are fever cough and shortness of breath.”

If you begin to exhibit the symptoms of COVID-19, Juber tells you what you should do.

(As above) “The first thing that we want everyone to do before seeking any care is to call your how healthcare provider and tell them that you are having some symptoms and then we will evaluate you for the for the COVID-19.” 

She says the numbers and areas affected are changing rapidly, but at last report, the nearest case to us is right across the river.

(As above) “As far as we know today the closest case has been identified in the Sioux Falls South Dakota area.”

Juber gives some advice on how to protect yourself from COVID-19.

(As above) “The best advice we can give at this point and is first and foremost good and frequent hand-washing with soap and water for 20 seconds we do also recommend the use of hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available but by and large hand-washing is the best approach.

In addition, if you coughing or sneezing, Juber suggests you do so into your sleeve or a tissue, then throw the tissue away and wash your hands.

Juber says there are some other ways you can protect yourself from getting the COVID-19 virus.

(As above) “We are also practicing here cleaning all high-touch work surfaces daily with disinfectant wipes on things such as door knobs bathroom fixtures work surfaces keyboards phones those kinds of areas.”

She says there are also some things you can do to protect the people around you.

(As above) “If you have any symptoms at all and do not feel well stay at home and contact your healthcare provider.”

Juber says the situation changes rapidly, and you should keep up to date on pertinent information about COVID-19. She says the best source of information is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). You can visit the CDC website is available by CLICKING HERE.

