Osceola County Voters To Decide On EMS Tax Tuesday

Sibley, Iowa — After Tuesday’s election, the Osceola County Board of Supervisors will know how the citizens of Osceola County feel about using a new law to help pay for emergency medical services.

The law allows counties to declare EMS an essential service like police or fire and collect taxes to pay for it.

On Tuesday, November 8th, 2022, on the General Election Ballot, Osceola County Voters will see this question:

Shall the Osceola County Board of Supervisors be authorized to impose an ad valorem property tax for the purposes of creation and maintenance of a stable revenue stream for its essential community EMS services, in the amount of .45 (45 cents) per $1,000.00 (One Thousand Dollars) of assessed value on all taxable property within the county, to be used for funding of emergency medical services for a maximum period of 15 years?

Since it is a new tax, sixty percent of those voting on the issue will need to vote in the affirmative for it to pass.

For additional information, you can contact the Osceola County Auditor’s Office at (712) 754-2241.

