Statewide Iowa — The chairman of the House Education Committee has come up with a plan that would let college graduates with three years of work experience get a teaching license within a year.
Republican Representative Dustin Hite of New Sharon says Iowa school administrators tell him they’re having a hard time hiring teachers.
These alternative licenses would be for potential teachers in 7th through 12th grade courses and Hite’s proposal would require applicants to complete an internship in a classroom and 15 additional hours of college credit. That’s faster than the current pathway for college grads seeking a license to teach in Iowa. Hite says he’s hoping his plan will appeal to people with life experience in key occupations who are looking for a second career.
Hite expects his idea would find new teachers for urban and rural schools.
Hite expects his plan will be considered in the House Education Committee later this week or early next week. A copy of the bill is not yet available on the legislature’s website.