Plaster Sheldon With The Slogan ‘Hope Lives’

Sheldon, Iowa — With the future of this summer’s Christian music festivals, including RiseFest, in limbo due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Rise Ministries, along with the other members of the Christian Festivals Association (CFA) have come together to bring a message of hope in the face of the coronavirus.

The organization formed a committee to come up with a slogan that would transmit a message of hope to people all over the country. Rise Ministries Creative Director Ellie Waring represented the Sheldon ministry on that committee, and tells us about the message they agreed upon.

Waring was the only person on the committee with a graphic design background, so she was tasked to come up with the “Hope Lives” logo.

We asked Rise Ministries President Rob Roozeboom if RiseFest 2020 is still a “go” for June 19th and 20th in Sheldon.

Roozeboom tells us that his wife Sharla, saw something on her run earlier this week that inspired him to use the “Hope Lives” slogan in a massive way.

If you’d like to share the message that, “Hope Lives”, either on your driveway, your sidewalk, even in the front window of your home, you can copy the logo shown at the top of the page, or just write, “Hope Lives.” You’ll be doing your part to help raise the spirits of the people of Sheldon during this very difficult time.




Larchwood Dairy Gets $100,000 Grant

Des Moines, Iowa — Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig has announced that 15 Iowa dairy projects have been awarded Choose Iowa Dairy Innovation Grants. And

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