Prairie Arts Council Cuts Ribbon On Baker Township Schoolhouse

Sheldon, Iowa — Sheldon’s Prairie Arts Council has been saving old, abandoned rural schoolhouses from around O’Brien County, moving them to their park, which is located along the north side of Highway 18, one block east of Washington Avenue, where they rehab and refurbish the buildings, and open them to the public so that folks can have a window back in time to the days of the rural schoolhouses. The latest, the Baker Township Schoolhouse, is now complete, and the ribbon was cut Friday morning.

Curt Strouth kicked off the ribbon cutting festivities, speaking on behalf of the Sheldon Chamber & Development Corporation.

Sheldon Mayor Katricia Meendering, whose mother, Karin VandenBerg, played a large role in bringing the schoolhouse to Sheldon, spoke on behalf of the City of Sheldon.

Sheldon Ambassadors President Skip Tanner presented the Prairie Arts Council with a plaque containing a portion of the ribbon from Friday’s ribbon cutting.

Hal Tuttle, who spearheaded the acquisition of the schoolhouse, thanked the Prairie Arts Council Board, and the community, in his comments.

Karin VandenBerg also offered her thanks to all those who helped make the project a reality.

Following Friday morning’s ribbon cutting ceremony, Craig VanMeeteren of MidAmerican Energy presented a check to the Prairie Arts Council restoration effort. VanMeeteren says MidAmerican Energy understands the strength of their company is tied to the strength of the communities they serve. He said that’s why they’re happy to invest in betterment initiatives like the schoolhouse restoration.

Craig VanMeeteren of MidAmerican Energy presents a check to the Sheldon Prairie Arts Council for their schoolhouse renovation projects.



Larchwood Dairy Gets $100,000 Grant

Des Moines, Iowa — Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig has announced that 15 Iowa dairy projects have been awarded Choose Iowa Dairy Innovation Grants. And

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