Des Moines, Iowa (RI/KIWA) — Many unemployed Iowans have been waiting for money from the state for over a month. State officials say they have begun issuing the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation that Congress approved in late December.
Iowa Workforce Development deputy director Ryan West says the agency began processing this latest round of expanded unemployment benefits Tuesday night and eligible Iowans should start seeing payments within five to seven business days.
West says the delay in sending out checks was due to different processes and requirements for this new round of Pandemic Emergency Unemployment compared to what was released last April.
The agency’s DIRECTOR told legislators most will receive all of their benefits at once, however, some may get just one week’s worth of benefits as officials determine how many additional weeks’ worth of benefits should be paid out.
The state’s unemployment trust fund pays out up to 26 weeks of benefits. The Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation approved by congress is covered by the federal government and provides an additional 13 weeks of jobless benefits.