Program Offers Iowans Free, Installed Smoke Alarms

Statewide Iowa — Iowans in need can get a free smoke alarm installed in their house or apartment through an American Red Cross program called Sound the Alarm.

The agency’s Iowa spokesman Josh Murray says home fires claim seven lives every day nationwide, but having a working smoke alarm can cut the risk of death in half.

Starting this weekend, the Red Cross will begin visiting neighborhoods in several Iowa communities as part of the campaign, installing smoke detectors and helping people to develop home fire escape plans.

The Red Cross recommends checking smoke alarms once a month and changing the batteries, if necessary. Smoke alarms should be placed on every level of a home, including inside and outside of bedrooms and sleeping areas. Experts agree that people may have as little as two minutes to get out of a burning home before it’s too late. Iowans who want to help the campaign can visit

Volunteers for the program will be in three Iowa cities over the next few weeks.



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