Public Praise, Complaints About GOP Tax Plans In House And Senate

Statewide Iowa — Two forums at the Iowa Capitol have given business groups and advocates for outdoor recreation the opportunity to lobby for their preferred tax changes, but the hearings also highlighted the differences in the three plans Governor Kim Reynolds and her fellow Republicans in the House and Senate have unveiled.

Americans for Prosperity state director Drew Klein was among the first to address Senators at a public hearing late Tuesday.

Lobbyists from several business groups cheered the corporate income tax break in the Senate GOP’s plan. House Republicans didn’t include that in their plan. Dustin Miller of the Iowa Chamber Alliance urged Republicans working on the House bill to keep an open mind.

Among the three plans, Senate Republicans are the only ones to propose a sales tax maneuver that will finally put money in the Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund. Anna Gray of the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation hailed the move.

Some people spoke at both hearings. Victoria Sinclair, a lobbyist for Iowans for Tax Relief, noted the House GOP’s plan largely mirrors the governor’s proposal.

Sinclair told Senate Republicans their plan was bold, yet thoughtful.

A few speakers questioned the tax-cutting goals Republicans are advancing. Mike Owen, deputy director of Common Good Iowa, says public services will be slashed if the tax cuts go into effect.

Tom Chapman of the Iowa Catholic Conference asked lawmakers to consider raising the earned income tax credit, to ease the tax burden for low income workers and he quoted remarks Pope Francis made Monday to Italian tax officials.

Peter Hird of the Iowa Federation of Labor says union members are concerned about tax fairness.




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