Recent Rains Help Soil Moisture

Northwest Iowa — It’s no secret that it’s been a dry summer here in northwest Iowa.  As of Thursday morning, we have received more rain in the KIWA rain gauge during the month of August, than we got during June and July COMBINED.

Since August 1st, Sheldon has received 4.06-inches of rainfall.  The 2.85-inches recorded in June, along with the .062-inches in July, combined to put the area in near drought conditions.  But National Weather Service Meteorologist Mike Gillispie says the recent rains have helped the soil moisture considerably.

He says the latest Drought Monitor Report shows some improvement.

Gillispie says the bad news is that a warmer, drier period is looming on the horizon.

Gillispie says if you like to mow your lawn, you should be happy for the next couple of weeks, since the grass should have plenty of water to grow during that time.

