“Rides” Granted $280,500 Toward New Vehicles

Ames, Iowa — The agency that provides transit services to northwest Iowa — the Regional Transit Authority — or “Rides” — has been given some funding for new vehicles.

The Iowa Transportation Commission tells us they have approved more than $8.2 million in funding for 69 new rural and urban public transit vehicles for 18 different public transit systems. The new vehicles will replace vehicles past their useful life. They say the funds are granted through the Federal Transit Administration’s Bus and Bus Facilities Formula Program as well as the Federal Highway Administration’s Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program.

Rides is being given funds toward the replacement of six vehicles. The minivans with video surveillance systems cost $55,000 each, with the federal grant paying for $46,750 of that, and $8,250 coming from other sources. Totals for the six vehicles are $330,000 total, with $280,500 coming from the grants.

The complete list of funded vehicles can be found at https://iowadot.gov/transit/Funding-programs-and-applications/funding-programs.

The Iowa Department of Transportation says public transit is vital to enhancing the mobility of Iowans, getting them where they need to go.  Iowa has public transit in all 99 counties.  For more information on public transit visit: http://www.iowadot.gov/transit/

Photo caption: Stock photo of one type of Rides bus

