RISE Ministries Celebrates 15 Years

rob headshotSheldon, Iowa— RISE Ministries, the organization behind the annual music festival, RiseFest, is celebrating 15 years in the month of May.

RISE started in May of 2001, during founder Rob Roozeboom’s senior year at Northwestern College in Orange City.  Roozeboom tells us how it came about.

Roozeboom says the ministry started out through speaking engagements, however, through the years different programs were added to the ministry.

He says it all changed in 2005.

Since it’s start in 2005, RiseFest has grown to a two-day festival featuring some of the hottest Christian artists in the nation, and drawing crowds numbering in the thousands of people each day.

Roozeboom credits the success of RISE Ministries, and RiseFest to the commitment of an army of volunteers and donors.

We asked Roozeboom how it feels to be celebrating fifteen years of RISE Ministries.

Roozeboom says now he’s looking forward to the next 15 years.



Larchwood Dairy Gets $100,000 Grant

Des Moines, Iowa — Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig has announced that 15 Iowa dairy projects have been awarded Choose Iowa Dairy Innovation Grants. And