SCAT Staffing Again On Council Agenda

SCAT-1 3Sheldon, Iowa — When the Sheldon City Council meets Wednesday their agenda will include a continued discussion in regard to staffing of the Sheldon Community Ambulance Team, along with two public hearings. One public hearing will be on the Council’s acceptance of the O’Brien County Hazardous Mitigation Plan. The other will be on the Sheldon Municipal Airport Hangar project.

The difficulty of finding enough volunteers for the ambulance team has been a concern for some time. At the last council meeting City Manager Scott Wynja reported that he, along with Council Member Brad Hindt and Ambulance Director Cindy Freemen, have held several meetings. Their recommendation is to hire a full time EMT/Paramedic and initiate an incentive of one dollar per hour for the time volunteers are available on call.  This would be in addition to the pay they receive when they are on an actual ambulance call. Council members agreed to defer action on the recommendation until this week’s meeting.

In other business the Council will consider development proposals from the SCDC for the Runger Addition and Crossroads Industrial Park. The last agenda item is a possible closed session to consider the purchase of property.

Wednesday’s council meeting begins at 4:30 in the upper level of the Sheldon Community Services Center.

