GAME ON! School Accepts Softball Game Challenge From City & SCDC

Sheldon-Schools-logoSheldon, Iowa — The Sheldon Community School Board picked up the gauntlet, last night, and accepted the challenge that had been thrown down by the City of Sheldon and SCDC challenging the School Board and faculty to a softball game.  The June 13th game will serve to christen the new ball fields located along Highway 18.

The Board also heard an update from the District’s Technology Committee at Monday night’s meeting.  The Technology Committee says they have reached a consensus to move forward with both the Technology and Facilities Long-Range Expenditure plans.  The committee plans to put together Requests for Proposals to solicit bids for the purchases for the 2016-17 school year and to have the bids ready for the Board to review and approve at the June Board meeting.

In other action, the Board approved one Open Enrollment Application for a Transitional Kindergarten student to come into the Sheldon District from the Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn Schools.  The Board also considered one resignation.  Kent De Zeeuw had tendered his resignation to accept a position in another school district.

The Board also approved several employment contracts for the 2016-17 school year.  They include Crystal Davis as a High School Math Teacher, Taylor Morris as High School Health & Phys. Ed. Teacher as well as Assistant High School Wrestling Coach, Sara Stegeman as High School Special Ed. Instr. Assoc., Yvette Feekes as Middle School Special Ed. Instr. Assoc., Erica Eekhoff as a Substitute Bus Driver, Kory Roos as Head High School Wrestling Coach, and Hayden Adkins and Nicole Dibbet as 9th Grade Volley Ball Coaches.  In addition, Jeri Kruger, Kathy Arnold, Gina Woelber, Jim Gude, Carla Kleinwolterink, Krystal Kooiker, Donna Nagel, and Christ Stotz were named TLC Model Teachers.

The Board also approved a slight increase to the breakfast and lunch prices.  Student breakfasts will increase in price by 5-cents, at $1.60.  Adult breakfasts will go up 10-cents to $2.20, Student lunch prices will increase 10-cents to $2.55, Adult lunch 10-cents to $3.60, while milk and juice prices will be 30-cents per carton.

In other action, the Board elected to have the high school gym floor resurfaced during the summer of 2017, at a cost of $23,190.

They also set the date and time for the regular June meeting.  That will be held Wednesday, June 8th at 6:00 pm in the high school library.



Larchwood Dairy Gets $100,000 Grant

Des Moines, Iowa — Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig has announced that 15 Iowa dairy projects have been awarded Choose Iowa Dairy Innovation Grants. And

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