Sheldon Hires Volleyball Coach – Seeks Girl’s Head Basketball Coach

Sheldon High SchoolSheldon, Iowa — Following a hearing on the District’s budget, the Sheldon Community Schools Board of Education adopted and certified the 2017-18 budget during their regular April meeting held Monday evening.

In other action, the Board discusses the possibility of including Soccer as an additional sport.  After much discussion, the Board directed Activities Director Justin Albers to conduct a survey of middle school and high school students to determine the level of interest in such a program, as well as talk to other Districts about the possibility of sharing soccer, in a way similar to the way Sheldon and South O’Brien currently share wrestling.

The Sheldon School Board approved a series of employee resignations at Monday’s meeting.  The first was the resignation of Kris Groff, who is leaving his positions as high school instructor, girls track, and cross country coach,and Head Girls Basketball Coach, after 23-years with the Sheldon Community School District.  Since Groff had failed to request to take advantage of the District’s early retirement plan, the Board opted to provide him with a modified retirement plan.  He’ll receive his salary, minus the base salary, for a total of $21,800, which will be paid out in three installments beginning in June of this year.  The Board also accepted the resignations of Kylee Cooper as 9th grade Softball Coach.  Cooper’s resignation was contingent upon finding a suitable replacement for her in that position.  Resignations were also accepted from Nancy Rosenboom who is leaving her secretarial position at East Elementary, Krystal Kooiker who is resigning from her high school teaching position, Model Teacher position, and her Middle School volleyball and girls basketball coaching positions, and Levi Ettleman, who is resigning from his Physical Education position at East Elementary and the Middle School.

The Board also approved a list of employee contracts for the next school year.  Brad Zeutenhorst will be Head Baseball Coach at a salary of $5,438. Joe Zeutenhorst will be Assistant Baseball Coach at a salary of $3,625.  Matt Dykstra will coach 9th Grade Baseball at a salary of $2,719.  Chris Walker and Joe Zeutenhorst will both serve as Middle School Baseball Coaches at a salary of $2,066 each.    Carla Kleinwolterink will serve as Head Softball Coach at a salary of $5,438, while Erica Koedam will be Middle School Softball Coach.  She’ll be paid $2,066 for that position.  Heather Keizer will be Head High School Volleyball Coach at a salary of $5,438.

The Board also approved a trio of teaching contracts for the 2017-18 school year.  Jan Kinderknecht will serve as Media Center Specialist, at a total salary of $59,100.  Bailey Wollenburg will teach 2nd Grade at a salary of $47,185, and Caitlin Hanson will teach High School and Middle School Vocal Music at a total salary of $46,263.  All teacher and coaching salaries will change once the 2017-18 contract between the District and the Sheldon Education Association, has been finalized.

In other action, the Board approved the rate of $390 for Non-Resident Summer Driver’s Education Tuition.  They also approved the Graduating Class of 2017 during Monday’s meeting.  The 71 members of the Class of 2017 will receive their diplomas during ceremonies scheduled for Sunday, May 28th.

The Board ended the night with an Exempt Session in which they discussed  collective bargaining strategy.

