School Board Approves Teacher Contract

Sheldon, Iowa — The Board of Education for the Sheldon Community School District approved the negotiated 2015-16 contract with the Sheldon Sheldon-Schools-logoEducation Association, the union representing the District’s teachers, during their regular monthly meeting held Wednesday evening.  Some of the changes from the previous contract include a $500 increase in base salary, and a decrease in the direct contribution toward health insurance that will change the annual rate from more than $7875.00 to just over $6,245.00.  Other changes include an incremental increase, an increase in the co-curricular calculator, and some minor contract language changes.  The final contract agreement can be viewed here.

The Board also approved hourly pay increases for the District’s Classified Staff, including the secretarial, clerical, Food Service, custodial, and bus driver staffs.  Those increases ranged from 45 to 70 cents per hour.  The Board also took up the subject of salary adjustments for Administrative personnel, but tabled that item, saying they needed more time before acting on the recommendation.

The Board approved 2015-16 contracts for Elementary Special Education Teachers Kim Rice and Samantha Fox, Middle School Language Arts Teacher and Assistant High School Volleyball Coach Heather Keizer, High School Guidance Counselor Shelby McGraw, and Assistant Football Coaches Jason Groendyke and Justin Albers, as well as approving Wally Wolthuizen as a Volunteer High School Softball Coach.

The Board also accepted bid proposals for bread and milk products for the upcoming school year.  Milk products will be purchased from Dean Foods, the low bidder, with bread products coming from the lowest bidder, Pan-O-Gold Baking Company.

In other action, the Board voted to purchase six new Xerox copiers from A & B Solutions at a total cost of just under $36,000.  The Board also voted to replace the carpet in the office complex at the high school, as well as the Media Center at a total cost of almost $22,300.  Technology upgrades were also approved at Wednesday’s meeting, with the Board accepting the low bid of $57,851 for server and firewall replacement.  And, they approved a Commercial Maintenance Agreement with C.W. Suter Services for the HVAC systems in the District’s various buildings, at a cost of $19,850 for the year.

Due to a schedule conflict for the normal July meeting date, the Board’s July meeting will be held Wednesday, July 15th at 6:00 pm in the high school library.


