School Board Discusses Changes Due to COVID-19

Sheldon, Iowa – The Sheldon Community Schools Board met in regular session on Wednesday, April 8th at 5:00 pm in the high school library.

Sheldon Middle School Band Director Jeana Larson was recognized for being selected to serve as President-elect for the Iowa Bandmasters Association (IBA).  In the 93-year history of IBA, she is only the 8th person from NW Iowa to be elected and only the 2nd in the last 40 years.

There was one open enrollment, three resignations, and ten contracts offered (one for HS Special Education, one for MS Guidance Counselor, and 8 for various coaching positions), all of which were approved by the Board. Summer school determinations at East Elementary and the Middle School will be put on hold until school is back in session. All of the Principals expressed thanks to teachers, parents, and students for their flexibility, understanding, and willingness to adapt during the school closure.

From Principal Jason Groendyke at East “Staff worked last week to compile another 6 weeks of work and we will be working on getting this distributed to our students/families. This work is mainly skill remediation and enrichment, no new learning for our students. We definitely miss seeing everyone on a weekly basis, but we will continue to support one another and get through this time.”

Middle School Principal Cindy Barwick shared, “Teachers are providing electronic options for students to complete work.  Google Classroom, Meet, and email have been crucial for our implementation of distance learning. Teachers are focusing on remediating not acquired skills, completing review activities, extending on current skills, and beginning new skills instruction.”

And from High School Principal Sherrie Zeutenhorst, “Our teachers are offering online learning opportunities for our high school students through Google Classroom… Teachers are posting videos, podcasts, links to information, and other online information to help provide instruction for our students (as well as) two to three learning opportunities per week.” The high school will continue using a hybrid schedule next year to help determine which schedule is most beneficial to students’ academic success.

Superintendent Cory Myer shared an email from the Department of Education regarding student achievement, specifically the TLC program and early literacy, in which the Department of Education stated they would like to use Sheldon’s program as a model for other schools in the state, saying “Your district has been identified as one of the state’s highest improving districts in early literacy.”

Myer comment on the decision to make classes required at high school level, which is necessary in order for students on block schedules to complete requirements for graduation. The free lunch program is averaging 350+ meals daily. To reduce exposure for those packaging and for parents and students coming to pick up meals, starting Monday, April 13th, meals will be available for pickup just twice a week, on MOndays (when students will receive three days worth of meals) and Thursdays (with two days worth of meals being distributed). Myer also shared that staff  will be using the three 3D printers at the high school to make face shields which will be picked up by an outside source for distribution to health professionals. He closed his report by saying “Our staff has been phenomenal during the past few weeks addressing issues and concerns as they arise and monitoring a large amount of correspondence coming at us. In addition, our community partners have been incredible in their efforts to problem solve and support our entire community.”

The Board adopted the Pandemic Response and Emergency Suspension of Policy resolution, which can be found HERE. Also approved were a cooperative agreement with Boyden-Hull for a shared Industrial Technology Teacher; the district career guidance plan; non-resident 2020 summer driver’s education tuition; the class of 2020 graduates, with current graduation plans still in place; and volunteer, staff, and student handbooks.

While many of the positions have been filled for the upcoming school year, there are still several vacancies open within the Sheldon Community School District.

East Elementary Middle School High School
Instructional Associate/ Paraprofessional – Special Education Room; 6.75 hours/day Art Teacher (grades 5-8) – Art licensure or willingness to attain High School Language Arts Teacher;  9-12
Special Education Teacher – Level I certification desired
Food Service – Starting Wage – $14.98 per hour
Food Service Substitutes – Starting Wage – $14.63 per hour
COACHING POSITIONS – 2020-2021 School Year:
Cheer Coach-Football/Basketball HS 9th Grade Girls Basketball MS Girls Track
MS Football MS Volleyball Head Girls Golf

The next regular meeting for the Sheldon Community Schools Board is set for Wednesday, May 13th, 2020, at 5:00 pm.


