School Board Sets Potential Make-up Days During 2016-17 School Year

Sheldon high school 100_2191Sheldon, Iowa — The Sheldon Community Schools Board of Education set three dates that could potentially be used as snow make-up days during the 2016-17 school year, during their regular April meeting Wednesday night.

Due to several missed school days during the current school year, the Board had extended classes further into June than originally scheduled.  In an attempt to try and ward off the need to do that next year, the Board decided to build in three dates that could be used.  If one school day is missed prior to the Christmas Break, that day will be made up January 2, 2017.  If two days are missed prior to Christmas Break, those days will be made up on December 23, 2016 and January 2, 2017.  The Board further decided that, should there be three days missed prior to Christmas Break, or if there is one day missed after the Christmas Break, the make-up day will be April 18, 2017.  Any additional missed days would be made up at the end of the school year calendar.

In other action, the Board approved several resignations.  Marv Nieuendorp has resigned from his High School Custodian position, Ben Chestnut is resigning from his High School teaching position, 9th Grade Football and 9th Grade Wrestling Coaching positions at the end of the school year.  Daphne Feekes is resigning from her High School associate position, Amber Groendyke is resigning from her 9th Grade Volleyball Coaching position, and Kris Groff is resigning from his Middle School Baseball Coaching position.

The Board also approved 6 summer coaching contracts.  Brad Zeutenhorst will be Head Baseball Coach at a salary of $5,438, Joe Zeutenhorst will be Assistant Baseball Coach at a salary of $3,625, Chris Walker will coach Middle School baseball at a salary of $2,066, Leon Kleinwolterink will serve as Assistant Softball Coach at a salary of $3,625, Kylee Cooper will be 9th Grade Softball Coach at a salary of $2,719, and Erica Vande Hoef will be Middle School Softball Coach at a salary of $2,066.

Superintendent Spears presented a proposal from JW Wood Sports Flooring to re-sand and re-paint the floor in the High School Gym.  Cost of the proposal was $23,190.  Spears presented that information to the Board, telling them that if they wish to move forward with the project, it needs to be scheduled a year in advance.  The Board will again take up the topic at their May meeting.

The Board also set the date and time for the District Budget Amendment Hearing.  That hearing is scheduled for Monday, May 16th.  The Board also voted to held their regular May meeting on that date, May 16th.  The meeting will be held in the library at Sheldon Community High School, and will be called to order at 6:00 pm, with the Budget Amendment Hearing scheduled for 6:30 pm.

