Senate Bill Seeks To Create Social Studies Class About The Bible

Sioux Center, Iowa — The Iowa Board of Education would be directed to adopt standards for public high school courses on the Bible if a bill that’s cleared initial review in the Senate becomes law.

Republican Senator Jeff Taylor of Sioux Center is a co-sponsor of the bill. He says public schools wouldn’t be required to offer a Bible course, but it could become an option as a social studies elective if school boards approve.

William Jeynes is a professor at California State University Long Beach who is an advocate of Bible classes in public schools.

A lobbyist for the Iowa State Education Association says some schools are already offering classes on world religions, including Christianity. Phil Jeneary a lobbyist for the Iowa Association of School Boards, says the state Board of Education already has a process for reviewing social studies curriculum.

Senator Herman Quirmbach a Democrat from Ames who’s a retired Iowa State University professor, says the bill’s narrow focus doesn’t fit an increasingly diverse society.

The bill is eligible for a vote in the Senate Education Committee and must clear that committee by Friday to remain eligible for debate in the full Senate.



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