Sheldon Education Association Receives Grants To Present To Local Organizations

Sheldon, Iowa — A union that represents district teachers at the Sheldon Community School District has received — and has given — some donations to some local organizations.

Mr. Jim Gude with the Sheldon Education Association — or SEA — tells us the organization was able to secure three grants from the Iowa State Education Association — or ISEA. Gude says the grants were each $500, and these were given to three organizations.

Gude tells us the union first secured a grant for the Sheldon Middle School’s Family Fun Night, which was held on March 23rd at the Sheldon Middle School.

He says they also applied for and received grant funds of $500 each from the ISEA to be used for the summer lunch programs at the Sheldon United Methodist Church and the Sheldon Community School District.

Kristin Noack of the SEA hands the check for $500 to Michelle Noack, organizer of the Sheldon United Methodist Church Summer Lunch Program.


Kristin Noack of the SEA hands the check for $500 to Cindy Barwick, Sheldon Middle School principal.


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