Sheldon, Iowa — Earlier we told you about Tuesday’s meeting of the Sheldon Community Schools Board of Education, in which they met with Grundmeyer Leader Search Consultant Trent Grundmeyer for a work session on the search for a new superintendent to replace Robin Spears when he retires next June. Now more details are emerging about that search.
Tuesday’s session included feedback from the stakeholder survey that was posted November 22nd through December 10th.
According to the material provided KIWA by the School District, 420 district and community stakeholders completed the survey. A few key themes emerged from the survey, highlighting the strengths and points of pride for the Sheldon Community School District. They included: School pride; Sports and fine arts programs;Care and concern for each other; Strong academic tradition, and Financial stability of the District.
The feedback from the survey also advised the Board about what various stakeholders were looking for in a new superintendent. The board provided direction for the consultant to recruit, screen, and focus the rest of the hiring process around some key qualification areas, which, they say, include, but are not limited to, skills and qualifications in: Building school and community relations; The ability to lead school improvement efforts; Strong instructional leadership skills; Engagement in the school and community; Ability to effectively manage district resources; and Is approachable and open-minded
The Board also set a tentative timeline for the Superintendent Search:
Friday, December 15 – The superintendent position was posted.
Thursday, January 25, from 4:30—5:30 PM—Grundmeyer will host a community forum, followed at 6:00 PM by a closed session meeting between the Sheldon School Board and Grundmeyer to review candidate applications.
On Wednesday, February 7th, at 3:00 PM, Grundmeyer will meet in closed session with Sheldon School Board to conduct electronic individual interviews with approximately top six candidates.
Then, on Tuesday, February 13th – Formal Interviews will be held for the position with the top 2 or 3 candidates.
According to the School Board, various district and community members will be asked to participate in the formal interview process, and provide input on the actual interview questions. A formal interview schedule will be shared next month.