Sheldon Schools Contemplate One-to-One Initiative

Sheldon, Iowa — The technology Committee of the Sheldon Community Schools has been working hard, behind the scenes, on a plan to put a computer into the hands of every Sheldon Middle and High School student.

It’s called the One-to-One initiative, and Sheldon Superintendent of Schools Cory Myer says the Technology Committe has done a lot of work on a One-to-One Initiative in the Sheldon Community School District.

Myer says it would make the most efficient use of the District’s technology.

Myer admits it would be a lot of work getting the machines set up, but has faith in the District’s Tech Manager to get it done.

He says the most recent meeting of the Technology Committee centered around shortening the proposed timeline for putting that One-to-One Initiative in action.

Myer says he intends to include discussion of the One-to-One initiative with the School Board when they meet next week.

