Sheriff’s Office Offers Tips For Thwarting “Porch Pirates” Who Might Steal Your Packages

Northwest Iowa — We’re approaching that time of year again when people start buying Christmas presents if they haven’t purchased them already. Of course, we at KIWA encourage you to shop locally. Your local merchants are depending on you to help them feed their families and their employees’ families, especially in this pandemic, when business has sometimes been slow. But the reality is, sometimes the perfect gift is not something you can find locally, and you need to resort to an online retailer. If you do — a word of warning — be careful.

Packages normally are dropped off during the day — at your front porch. The problem with that is — most people work during the day. That’s an invitation for a thief — sometimes called a “porch pirate” to make off with your packages before you have a chance to retrieve them.

Head dispatcher Gloria Torres with the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office says there may be some ways to thwart would-be porch pirates.

(as said:) “If your workplace will allow you to have it shipped there while you’re at work… if you’re at work during the day, that’s another good option. If you know if you have a friend who happens to be home during the day, then maybe have it shipped to the friend’s house instead, especially if you’re having something sent for the kids. They might beat you home.”

She says there are also some high-tech solutions that help keep you in control

(as said:) “Using the tracking numbers to see where their packages are… to see when they might be coming. Keep a lookout. Sometimes it’ll say that the package is delivered and sometimes it actually hasn’t been delivered yet. Some of those shipping companies get ahead of themselves. You have to keep an eye out or try to get text notifications. You’ll get text notifications when the items get delivered and if they’re not around then ask a friend or a neighbor to you know, keep an eye out especially if it’s something important.”

Torres says you can also direct the delivery person to put your packages somewhere other than outside in full view. Another idea is installing a video doorbell or a security system. Some companies offer a secure drop point, an app, or other technology that helps you stay in control.



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