Smoke Testing Of Sewer System Planned For Northern Sheldon Next Week

Sheldon, Iowa — Northern Sheldon residents — be advised — sanitary sewer smoke testing will be in your neighborhood.

The Sheldon Public Works team tells us they will be smoke testing sanitary sewers north of Highway 18 (that’s Park Street) from 2nd Ave (that’s Old Highway 60) to North 18th Avenue next week (the week of September 25 to 29).

Sheldon Public Works Director Todd Uhl explains that smoke testing sanitary sewers helps the public works team to determine problem areas in the sanitary sewer system that are allowing clean water into the sanitary sewers, causing the piping to carry excessive water flow. He says when that happens, the wastewater plant has to treat all of that extra water in addition to the regular load. Uhl says removing the groundwater from the sanitary system reduces the risk of sanitary sewer backups and helps keep sewer rates as low as possible.

According to Uhl, the smoke that is used is not toxic and will not leave a residue in your home. He says they do ask everyone in that area to pour water into their drains to ensure that the traps are full prior to the smoke testing. Don’t forget basement drains. They also ask residents to seal any untrapped drains to prevent smoke from entering homes and businesses.

Uhl says the smoke to be used will not leave a residue and is non-toxic. Like all smoke, it may irritate breathing passages when inhaled without the use of respiratory protection.

If you have any questions or smoke is in your home during testing, you are asked to contact the City Offices at 712-324-4651 or email Todd Uhl at

