South O’Brien, Doon Community Center Bond Issues Pass; West Sioux Fails

Northwest Iowa — Two out of three bond issues voted on in northwest Iowa this Tuesday appear to have passed. And one appears to have failed by a narrow margin.

Bond issues in Iowa require sixty percent “yes” votes to pass. Both the South O’Brien $25.9 million bond issue and the Doon Community Center $1.5 million bond issue appear to have passed.

In the South O’Brien District, 61.79 percent of voters voted for the bond issue. In the City of Doon, 75.71 percent of voters chose “yes.”

But in the West Sioux Community School District, the bond issue again appears to have failed by a slim margin. According to information from the Sioux County Auditor’s office, only 58.49 percent of voters voted for the bond issue. It needed 60 percent to pass.
