Spencer Citizens Petitioning City To Stop Factory From Expelling Obnoxious Odors

Spencer, Iowa — A group of people in Spencer are upset about the stench emanating from a processing plant in the northwest part of that city.

According to the website SpencerStinks.com, the group states that something smells like raw sewage, or dead animals. They say the “horrible smell” is coming from a plant in the Spencer industrial park that is processing egg parts into animal food.

According to the website, the plant, which is owned by Symrise, hauls semi loads of egg parts in every day, separates them and dries them into dog and other animal food.

The website is linked to a change.org petition calling on the Spencer City Council to enforce a current ordinance, which the website’s owners say prohibits such noxious odors. As of Sunday (December 25th), the online petition had garnered just over two hundred signatures out of the five hundred requested by the petition organizers.

Organizers have also placed a semi-trailer sized billboard with their web address near the Spencer Municipal Airport.


Larchwood Dairy Gets $100,000 Grant

Des Moines, Iowa — Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig has announced that 15 Iowa dairy projects have been awarded Choose Iowa Dairy Innovation Grants. And

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