State Drought Shows Slight Improvement, Northwest Iowa Unchanged

Lincoln, Nebraska — Despite recent thunderstorms and rain in northwest Iowa, the U.S. Drought Monitor shows no movement in our part of northwest Iowa.

Meanwhile, the new map from the U.S. Drought Monitor shows some slight improvement across other parts of the state following rains there.

All of the state still has some sort of drought rating, but the area that was in “extreme drought” dropped below four percent in the last week. The “severe drought” areas dropped from nearly 39% to less than 14%. With those percentages dropping, nearly 60% of the state is now in “moderate drought,” and around 22% is “abnormally dry.”

The worst drought conditions remain in the northwest and southeast sections of the state.

Here in our area, there was no change, whatsoever. All of Sioux County and nearly all of Lyon County, except for a small blip in the extreme northwestern part of the county is all labeled “moderate drought,” with that little blip being “severe drought.” Much of Osceola and O’Brien counties are in “moderate drought” as well, but the eastern half of Osceola county and a portion of northeastern O’Brien County are only “abnormally dry,” according to the map from the Drought Monitor.

