State Tax Revenue Over Past 11 Months Grew By About A Billion

Statewide Iowa — After the pandemic hit the Iowa economy a year ago, state tax receipts now are soaring.

The state’s fiscal year ends June 30th. Net tax revenue for the state of Iowa in the past 11 months is more than seven-point-three billion dollars. It’s about a billion dollars more than same 11 month period in the previous fiscal year. Consumer spending is up. Sales and use tax payments to the State of Iowa jumped 10 percent from July through the end of last month.

Corporate income tax payments to the state more than doubled and personal income tax payments were up nearly 16 percent. Iowa’s unemployment rate has fallen by about two-thirds of what it was at the height of COVID related shutdowns. In April of 2020, the state unemployment rate hit its pandemic peak of 11-point-one percent.

Iowa’s unemployment rate in April of this year was three-point-eight percent. Thousands of Iowans have dropped out of the job market. The latest figures indicate 90-thousand fewer Iowans are employed in non-farm jobs compared to February, 2020 before the pandemic hit.



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