Study Shows Infrastructure Starting To Crumble

bridge_1Northwest Iowa — A new report finds the quality of roads, bridges and other infrastructure is deteriorating here in our area, and across the country, hindering opportunities to compete in the global economy.

Greg DiLoreto, with the American Society of Civil Engineers, says it’s vital to ensure Iowa’s infrastructure will be improved and restored.

To the state’s benefit, he says Iowa spent 633-million dollars on bridges in recent years, more by percentage than many other states. DiLoreto says reversing the trajectory after decades of underinvestment in infrastructure requires transformative action.

Those costs to motorists cover a host of things like vehicle repairs, wasted gasoline and time spent in traffic. Iowa earned a C-minus on the Infrastructure Report Card, while the nation was given a D-plus, the same grade as on the last report card four years ago.

Our infrastructure challenges are significant but solvable, he says, through strategic, sustained investment, bold leadership, comprehensive planning, and careful preparation for the needs of the future.  If you’d like to view the complete report, visit

