UPDATE: “Vocal Fusion” Take 1st Place At State

Photo above: Vocal Fusion poses with their 2018 Jazz Choir Championship trophy and certificate

Sheldon, Iowa — Word has been received from West Des Moines about Vocal Fusion’s competition performance at the State Jazz Choir Championships.

Vocal Fusion, Sheldon High School’s Jazz Choir, has won 1st Place in Class 2A at Today’s competition. We caught up with Sheldon High School Choir Director Caitlin Hanson Tuesday afternoon, during Vocal Fusion’s bus ride home from the state competition, and she described Tuesday’s experience as “awesome”.

Hanson says Vocal Fusion’s 1st Place finish in Class 2A is making the trip home seem much shorter than it would otherwise be.

Hanson says there are no words to describe what she’s feeling after Vocal Fusion captured the Class 2A State Jazz Choir Championship.

This is the fourth consecutive year that Vocal Fusion has captured 1st Place in the annual competition.

Congratulations from all of us at KIWA Radio on your 1st Place finish at the Iowa State Jazz Choir Championship!


Original Story posted at 11:14am, March 26, 2018

Sheldon, Iowa — Sheldon High School’s Jazz Choir, Vocal Fusion is traveling to West Des Moines to compete in Tuesday’s (March 27th) Iowa State Jazz Choir Competition.

KIWA talked with Sheldon Choir Director Caitlin Hanson, and she tells us that groups from around the state, including Vocal Fusion, submitted audio recordings which were then used to decide if the groups are good enough, or talented enough, to perform at the championship level.

Vocal Fusion has a rich tradition of competing at the State level, and Hanson says she’s excited they qualified again this year.

Hanson talks about the three pieces of music that Vocal Fusion will be performing at the State Jazz Choir Competition.

Vocal Fusion is made up of 13 Sheldon High School students: 11 singers, a drummer, and a bass player.


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