U of I Leader Optimistic About COVID-19 Vaccine

Statewide Iowa —  The University of Iowa’s Vice President for Medical Affairs, Brooks Jackson, says he is encouraged about the prospect for a COVID-19 vaccine.

(As above) “The data emerging on the leading COVID-19 vaccine candidates currently in large phase-three clinical trials in the U-S looks very promising,” Jackson says.

Jackson says Iowa is doing its part.

(As above) He says they are one of the sites in the Pfizer trial and they recently completed the target enrollment for the trial. 

Jackson says they are starting to plan for using a vaccine.

(As above) “And while it is difficult to predict the timing of vaccine approval — we are beginning now to work to plan for the logistics of COVID-19 vaccine distribution in coordination with the Iowa Department of Public Health,” according to Jackson. “This groundwork will ensure that we will be ready to administer rapidly, one or more COVID-19 vaccines when the time comes.”  

Jackson made his comments during the Board of Regents meeting.

