USDA: Corn, Soybean Yields Predicted Lower Than 2015

CornHarvestNorthwest Iowa — The forecast corn production and yield are up in 7 Iowa districts from 2015, according to the latest USDA Iowa Ag News District Crop Report. The only two districts forecast to produce less than 2015 are the north central district at about 0.9 bushels below 2015 at 198.0 bushels an acre, and here in the northwest, where they forecast corn production to be down 7.5 bushels from last year, at 195.0 bushels an acre. The largest increase in production is expected in Central Iowa, where production is anticipated to increase 34.2 million bushels from 2015.

Soybean production is forecast to be up in the same 5 Iowa districts, with yields forecast to be higher statewide from the previous year. East Central Iowa is expected to have the highest yield in the State, with 61.0 bushels per acre. All three southern Iowa districts are anticipated to have higher yields and production than last year, while all three northern districts are expected to have lower production than last year. Here in northwest Iowa, the report predicts yields of 1.5 bushels per acre less than 2015, at 59.0 bushels an acre.  The largest increase in production is expected in south central Iowa, where production is expected to exceed last year by 7.61 million bushels.

All crop forecasts in this report are based on conditions on September 1 and do not reflect weather effects since that time. The next district corn and soybean production forecasts, based on conditions as of October 1, will be released on October 12.

For a look at the complete report, click here.

