VNU To Continue Virtual Run, Walk, & Roll Even While Also Hosting Traditional Event This Year

Sheldon, Iowa — It’s almost time for the annual Village Northwest Unlimited Run, Walk, and Roll — the combined fundraiser and community event put on each year by VNU.

But this year, there’s also a virtual option.

Village Northwest officials tell us they need your help to make their biggest fundraiser of the year their biggest fundraiser ever. The 17th Annual Run, Walk & Roll 5k, 10k, and 1 mile is just two short weeks away and VNU officials tell us they have a goal of raising $100,000 for the 180 adults with disabilities in their care.

If you can’t be at the starting line on June 4th, they invite you to participate in the virtual race option. After a successful fully virtual Run, Walk & Roll in 2020, VNU officials decided to continue offering a virtual race option for anyone unable to be at the event on June 4th. They say that although they would love to see you standing at the starting line during the event, they know it’s just not possible for everyone. They say they hope to see lots of people taking advantage of this new way to participate in the annual fundraiser.

If you’re doing the virtual event, you can Run/Walk or Roll anytime and anywhere after you get registered until June 4. Every virtual participant will receive a shirt in the mail, sent to the address provided with their registration. They tell us that the virtual 5k and 10k races will not be officially timed races and there will be no awards, but they invite you to share your time, route, or pictures with us using #rwr2022.

If you have questions you can contact KayCee O’Connell at or call 712-324-5418.

