Sibley, Iowa — Everyone should be thinking about retirement, but when it gets a little closer, it’s time to plan exactly how it’s going to work. That’s according to Jan Monahan from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, who’ll be leading a workshop about retirement later this month.
She says if you’re five to ten years from retirement, it would be a good idea to attend this training.
Of course, there are many entities that want to help you with your retirement. But most of them are trying to make a profit. She says that’s where extension differs.
Monahan points out that even those who work with a trusted financial professional must ultimately make the decision themselves. A financial professional can suggest or recommend strategies or products, but it is the consumer who decides and then lives with the result.
The workshop is on Tuesdays, February 20th and 27th from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Osceola Community Hospital, and it’s called “Writing Your Retirement Paycheck.”
She says that for many of us, our paychecks have been determined by someone else all our lives, but in retirement, many of us are responsible to write our own paychecks. And we’ll have to answer the question, “How big it should be?”
Monahan, who will lead the workshop, says topics include health costs, Social Security, inflation, required minimum distributions, annuities, and more.
Two light meals, two sessions, and materials for Writing Your Retirement Paycheck normally cost $25, but thanks to the generosity of the Osceola County Extension Council, Monahan says it is being offered here for $10/person or $15/couple. You can register online at, but you need to do it soon. Registration ends on Thursday, February 15th.
Participants are asked to note that if either date gets postponed, the snow date will be Tuesday, March 6.
If you have questions you can call the Osceola County Extension Office at 712-754-3648 or email